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Burned By Ellen Hopkins

3.85 stars

Please excuse the lack of good grammar and stuff. I'm not going to edit this, this will be very raw feedback. 

I really really struggled on deciding whether or not to give this book three stars or four stars but I ultimately decided on 3.85 and here's why.

I loved this book. I could not put this book down, I tore through the pages (and might I add there were over 500 pages) in one day. 

The story is about a young mormon girl named Pattyn who is struggling with her religion due to the abuse she was witnessing both at home and in the church and I seriously admired her because she was a very strong female character.

I don't feel like I can say too much else about it without spoling it but the writing is extraordinary, the writing is exceptionally beautiful and is written in verse and everything about the book is fantastic from a technical standpoint.

So why isn't this a four or five star book for me?

The ending. 

Okay before I go any further let's make one thing clear: I do not need a book to have a happily ever after for me to love it. Do I like books that end on a positive note and that are tied up in a pretty little bow at the end where everything comes together? Sure, yes, I do. But Happily Ever Afters where the boy gets the girl and they get married and have seven kids and ride off happily into the sunset and become rich and famous seriously irritate me because they aren't achievable. So no, the reason the ending ruined the book for me has nothing to do with the fact that this book did not have a happily ever after, I prefer books without them. One of my favorite books for instance, is 1984 by George Orwell and most of you know how "happy" that ended.... Not at all happy it was super depressing in the best possible way.

I found the ending in Burned to be very underdeveloped, it all happened within ten pages and I could not understand how this strong female character I had loved so much got to the point that she got to SO FAST and as the reader we just weren't taken on the journey that led to Pattyn's coruption and it seemed very sudden. 

This book was extremely quotable with beautiful writing and I marked all over the book with a pen to circle the many qood quotes that were in this book and overall I would reccommend this! 

Pickup a copy!  It's very good!


What My Girlfriend Doesn't Know by Sonya Sones

4.65 stars.

As always this will be very raw unedited feedback so please excuse any grammar, spelling or puncuation mistakes. 

All right this bookis about a guy named Robin who has a really poor self esteem but is extremely funny, likable and has great taste in music and he's also an artist and he's dating a girl who is very popular and well liked. People are having a hard time accepting tha tthey are dating and it's basically about Robin learning to be okay in his own skin and it's not a "forever love," kind of story where Sophie and Robin get married but it's almost like Sophie was his training wheels and then it becomes time for him to be steady on his own. I really really liked this book.

This book was simple, profound, light and heavy all at the same time.

I picked this up in the middle of the night off of my bookshelf when I couldn't sleep because against my dad's warnings, I indulged in coffee after 5pm. Sorry dad. 

But seriously, this book made me laugh, it made me cry and yet it was written so simply. 

I did not read the first book in this series and I really liked the voice of "Murphy."

It was very quotable with great moments and I would definitely reccomend picking this up!

I don't know what to putttt


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